
This is the World of Salil Chowdhury FAQ. Here you should be able to find any answers to questions you have about the site's dynamics and interactivity. If you have any questions or comments about the site's content or layout-related issues, please email me


1.1 - What are all the sections for?
2.1 - What is streaming?
2.2 - What is mp3 streaming?
2.3 - Which applications can I use to stream ?
3.1 - How are the songs listed?
3.2 - How does the cross-referencing system work?
3.3 - What are these language abbreviations?
4.1 - How do I contact you?
4.2 - Can I contribute information?
4.3 - Can I contribute songs?
4.4 - Can you design me a website?
5.1 - I found an informational/cross-referencing error.
5.2 - I found a layout error.
5.3 - I found a broken link/graphic.


1.1 - What are all the sections for?
Home: This section is the index page for the World of Salil Chowdhury. It functions as an entry portal for visitors to the site and displays a short introductory text and the latest updates and features on the website.
Introduction: This area is plainly an introduction to Salil Chowdhury's music.
News: The news section contains a larger list of updates as seen on the "Home" page, and a list of Other News regarding Salil Chowdhury that cannot be associated with other sections completely.
Songs: The songs section is a portal to the largest areas of the World of Salil Chowdhury, namely the areas that contain specific information on individual films in multiple languages. It is also possible to listen to some songs.
Articles: To provide users with more sophisticated information about Salil Chowdhury and his music, various articles have been written and/or collected. These articles are displayed here - some written by me, some by readers of this site and some by others.
Site: The site section is a seperate area containing information about the World of Salil Chowdhury. Inside you can find things like an acknowledgements page, and some information about who created this website.
Help: You're reading this right now.
Contact: From this page you can contact the webmaster and designer of the World of Salil Chowdhury. Please read sections 4 and 5 of this FAQ before doing so, so that you know you aren't asking anything you don't need to.

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2.1 - What is Streaming?
Streaming is a technology used on the Internet which enables users to listen to music directly through their internet connection, directly accessing the file from its location in the Internet. This means a download is not required. With a fast enough connection, usually about 56K or higher, most lines can handle the Mp3 sound quality. The World of Salil Chowdhury employs highly compressed, medium quality (48kbps) mp3 files so that the larger section of its users will be able to stream music from the website without much hassle.
2.2 - What is mp3 streaming?
mp3 streaming is like Real Audio streaming in concept. You can't download the file and save it on your hard disk but you can "stream" it and listen to the song. These days with broadband streaming it is quite common to use streaming.
2.3 - Which application can I use to stream ?
These days numerous applications are available (some free) to stream music. Windows Media Player is frequently used but Winamp is also very popular.

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3.1 - How are the songs listed?
In the Bengali Basic Songs area, songs are listed by singer, and then chronologically. This way you can find their songs more easily. In the Film Songs section, songs are listed by films in a certain language, then specific films, and then chronologically within a list of songs from that particular film. It isn't hard to navigate.
3.2 - How does the cross-referencing work?
Because the World of Salil Chowdhury is such a vast information database, and because various singers have been involved with Salil Chowdhury in many different fields, it seemed necessary to include a large network of cross-references in the website which easily enables the user to access information related to the item he is viewing - about singer, song, or film.
Since the network is so immensely large now, it may seem complicated but it's not. The cross-referencing system employs a quite efficient system. Each film and singer has been tagged with a specific code, namely two letters as a name abbreviation, and then a number.
For example, in the Bengali Basic Songs section, under Lata Mangeshkar, you'll find a table containing the list "LM1", "LM2" etc. This stands for "Lata Mangeshkar 1" and is simply used to define a location in the table about her. If you look to the right in that table, you'll find the text "MA5". This shows that the song listed in LM1 was sung in the film "MA5". If you then click on "MA5", you will be redirected to the page about the "MA5" film, which you can, upon arrival, find out to be "Maaya".
3.3 - What are all these language abbreviations?
To keep the size of the tables small, language abbreviations have been used instead of the full words. "Hin" = Hindi, "Bng" = Bengali, "Mal" = Malayalam, "Tam" = Tamil, "Tel" = Telegu, "Kan" = Kannada, "Oth" = Other.

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4.1 - How do I contact you?
Please visit the contact page for specific contact information.
4.2 - Can I contribute information?
Certainly. Please contact me about this.
4.3 - Can I contribute songs?
Because I digitally clean and restore Salilda's songs before I upload them, it makes them unique. Unless you can apply the same technique to your songs, I'll have to say no. However, if you think you can make an exception, please email me and we'll see what we can do. Also, help in forms other than digital music (such as cassette recording etc.) is much appreciated.
4.4 - Can you design me a website?

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5.1 - I found an informational / cross-referencing error
If you found a flaw in the information or cross-reference database, please contact me and specify where the error was found.
5.2 - I found a layout error
Please contact me if you found an error in the layout. Specify the page you found the error on and please say what kind of error it is.
5.3 - I found a broken link/graphic
If you found a broken pagelink, audiofile link, or graphic link, please contact me and tell me on what page the error is.

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